qualifications bannerDr. Jean Alder M.Ed.
Independent Education Consultant

Jean has over 10 years’ experience of headship in three secondary schools, each facing significantly challenging school improvement issues. Academic study, reflection and close working relationships with HMI have enabled Jean to develop an incisive approach to sustainable school improvement. Jean has supported both primary and secondary schools in implementing a systems approach that secures rigour and accountability.

Jean has a strongly developed understanding of learning and has considerable experience of coaching classroom teachers to perform well beyond expectations, leading to very significant learning gains.

Consultancy Interests

Main speaker on ‘Raising Achievement with EAL students’ at conferences in Boston, Thurrock, Cardiff, Maidstone.

Main speaker on ‘The new Equality Act, implications for schools’ at conference in Boston.

Author of bi-lingual textbook on guidance for EAL students taking GCSE examinations.

Educational advice to small literacy company, Impact Learning, including production of independent evaluation report.

For Secondary School in Berkshire, management of restructuring project to achieve a sound financial foundation prior to conversion to academy status.

Consultancy support to a London academy, specifically on EAL issues around leadership and learning.

Provided bespoke INSET for primary schools on teaching and learning.

Conducted a number of ‘pre Ofsted’ Teaching and Learning audits, with a focus on EAL and SEN performance in both primary and secondary schools.

Consultancy support to a primary school in Special Measures, particularly around leadership and accountability systems.

Leadership support for a failing secondary school on the east coast; developing a systematic approach to accountability.

Director of On-line (Leadership Development) Resources for National College-led project for a middle eastern state.

Author of Special Needs guidance for schools and colleges for on-line subscription service.

Help Line consultant for on-line subscription service.


Doctor of Education Keele University 2007

Brunel University, Masters Degree 1986

Battersea College of Education, B.Ed. 1973

Teaching Posts Principal, Southend on Sea, January 2004 to April 2010

In Special Measures for 6 years. Appointed to lead school out of Special Measures (2005). Led school through Fresh Start 2007 and opened as new Trust school 2008.

Headteacher, Slough. September 1999 – January 2004

Headteacher, Newbury. April 1996 to September 1999


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