school support banner♦  personal and confidential coaching and mentoring support for Headteachers, particularly those new to headship or new to post and
    facing significant challenges.

♦  coaching and mentoring for key post holders

♦  support for capability issues, including providing observation, target setting and follow up for teachers at Ofsted 3 or 4.

♦  additional capacity for staff development by coaching training teachers, NQTs,

Recent consultancy activities include:

♦  speaking engagements on raising EAL performance in mainstream classes,

♦  audit activity in a primary school

♦  INSET sessions

♦  evaluation reports on school improvement interventions

♦  systems development and policy writing

♦  Leadership development

School based support

"Thank you for all your  support with writing the policy and action plan. I have really enjoyed working with you and found our discussions useful in developing my knowledge of EAL and the wider context of the Academy.".

London Academy 

School INSET

"Jean did a great job and the Head and I were really pleased with the content delivered. The entire day although heavy going was well received and set us up well for the term ahead."

London Primary School

Main speaker at EAL conference

"Ideas that not only help EAL children have been given and these would integrate children as a team Very informative course, that provides a deeper understanding of EAL A good pace of presentation, very informative.".

Conference Gloucester


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